Source code for deepctr_torch.layers.utils

# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-

    Weichen Shen,

import numpy as np
import torch

def concat_fun(inputs, axis=-1):
    if len(inputs) == 1:
        return inputs[0]
        return, dim=axis)

[docs]def slice_arrays(arrays, start=None, stop=None): """Slice an array or list of arrays. This takes an array-like, or a list of array-likes, and outputs: - arrays[start:stop] if `arrays` is an array-like - [x[start:stop] for x in arrays] if `arrays` is a list Can also work on list/array of indices: `slice_arrays(x, indices)` Arguments: arrays: Single array or list of arrays. start: can be an integer index (start index) or a list/array of indices stop: integer (stop index); should be None if `start` was a list. Returns: A slice of the array(s). Raises: ValueError: If the value of start is a list and stop is not None. """ if arrays is None: return [None] if isinstance(arrays, np.ndarray): arrays = [arrays] if isinstance(start, list) and stop is not None: raise ValueError('The stop argument has to be None if the value of start ' 'is a list.') elif isinstance(arrays, list): if hasattr(start, '__len__'): # hdf5 datasets only support list objects as indices if hasattr(start, 'shape'): start = start.tolist() return [None if x is None else x[start] for x in arrays] else: if len(arrays) == 1: return arrays[0][start:stop] return [None if x is None else x[start:stop] for x in arrays] else: if hasattr(start, '__len__'): if hasattr(start, 'shape'): start = start.tolist() return arrays[start] elif hasattr(start, '__getitem__'): return arrays[start:stop] else: return [None]